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In February 2016 I read the news about a gravitational wave breakthrough and searched online for more information. Direct evidence of gravitational waves had been discovered by the Laser Interferometer Observatory (LIGO), and on their website I found - among much other scientific analysis - the detection data in a simple plain text format. This data was a starting point for my work.

I had already been interested before in the folds and distortion of time and space. This data was like a solid document of phenomenon that is otherwise utterly abstract. As a list of numbers the data seems inscrutable but as soon as I was able to translate it into graphic form I felt more able to relate to it. In the form of a simple line, it became exquisite. Veering between predictability and unexpectedness (the detection itself is based on the fact that all possible waves are pre-calculated) the wave form had some very sophisticated qualities.

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